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Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s. (National Motorway Company)
Dúbravská cesta 14
841 04 Bratislava
The EETS service – European Electronic Toll Service - is the extension of the existing national toll systems by the possibility of toll payment with a single on-board unit and a single contract with a single EETS provider in several EU countries. It is an international service that will allow carriers to move across the particular EU countries more easily.
EETS gives carriers the opportunity to move with only one OBE in several EU countries with no need to have multiple registrations and multiple OBUs. The international service helps with smooth crossing of borders, thus eliminating registration delays. Another advantage is the simplification of toll payment, since payment under a single contract in several countries in which the EETS provider operates at the same time is possible. Payment of toll and fuel under one contract/fuel card is also possible. By changing several national OBUs into a single OBE, the driver finally has fewer distracting elements at the steering wheel.
A single contract, single payment, single on-board unit throughout the European Union. The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) simplifies crossing borders and the payment system significantly.
The technical implementation of the EETS functionality was finalized at the end of 2022. The technical-operational concepts were handed over in mid-2023. The first tests being part of the accreditation were launched at the beginning of the summer. At the end of the accreditation process, a pilot operation will take place. The expected start of the sharp operation should be towards the end of 2023.
No, it is not necessary. Payment of toll is mandatory, whether it is made through a National Provider or an EETS Provider, it is at the discretion of the carrier. Registration in EETS depends on the carrier's preferences, if the carrier wants to remain in the national system, he does not have to change anything.
European Electronic Toll Collection Service (EETS) was launched on 15 March 2024.
Each EETS provider have their own network of sales and contact points where registration should be possible.
- Toll4Europe GmbH
- EUROWAG – W.A.G. Paymentsolutionsa.s.
- ITIS Holding a.s.
- TelepassS.p.A.
Yes, if I want to use the EETS service, the OBU will have to be replaced by an OBE. It is assumed that each EETS Provider have their own OBE.
It depends on the particular EETS Provider and their scope of operation. Each EETS Provider has a list of the countries where they operate the EETS, which means that each country has several EETS Providers. However, the EETS service is only offered for the countries within the EU.
The OBU (On-BoardUnit) is the term for a classic national on-board unit, the OBE (On-BoardEquipment) means an EETS on-board unit for several countries.
The parameters of the toll system (the toll rates, charging range) remain the same for both the National Provider and the EETS Provider.
EETS is the European toll system which represents a certain superstructure over the national toll systems and offers selected toll payment services within several EU countries. The toll system that is in the tender process is a form of a National Toll System, which means that it will cover toll collection in the Slovak Republic, EETS support as well as other toll collection services outside the scope of EETS.
After signing the agreements for the Electronic Toll System and Toll Services, the process of building the new toll system will start according to the planned schedule.
The tenders for the Electronic Toll System and the Toll Services have already been evaluated. In the first tender for the Electronic Toll System, the most advantageous bid was from the company CzechToll worth 13,7 million Eur without VAT. In the second tender for the Toll Services, the most advantageous bid was from CzechToll worth 28,7 million Eur without VAT.
In addition to the National Toll Collection Provider, the toll can also be collected by the EETS Provider with whom the carrier will have entered into a contract.